Principal's Page

Welcome to McKinley Elementary School!
My name is Adam Laur and I am so grateful to be the principal of McKinley Elementary School. This is my 4th year in VDPS and I look forward to working closely with students, families and staff this year! I am a Western Michigan University Graduate with my Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Master's Degree in Elementary Education, and a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership. This will be my 20th year in education!
I have been married to my wife Jessica for 18 years. Our son Logan is 23 and at Northwestern Tech for HVAC and our daughter Kendall is 16 and is a junior at Lakeview High School. We have a pet dog (a Chorkie) that we absolutely love named Lilith!
The 2024-2025 school year is going to be wonderful! I look forward to another fantastic year!
Mission Statement
United We Learn. Together We Achieve!
MES's Purpose Statement
Our purpose is to motivate students from diverse backgrounds to develop intellectual curiosity, leadership, and confidence to contribute to a complex and changing world by challenging students to achieve their highest potential. We teach and practice the values of respect and responsibility in an emotionally and physically safe environment. We embody our purpose through such programs as Responsive Classroom, research-based curriculum, student leadership groups (safety patrol, lunch aides, student council), and state of the art technology. We hold our students to high expectations in order to have them show and demonstrate continuous progress on state and local assessments.
MES's Beliefs Statement
At McKinley Elementary School, our staff believes that a student's success depends on the partnership between home, school and community. We believe that through this partnership we can provide the greatest opportunities for achievement for all students.