Hello and Welcome!
We are excited for the new school year and the opportunity to support your child as they learn and grow! Together, parents and staff will work as a team to ensure student success!
Say hello to parent-teacher chat and classroom announcements in the VDPS app. Now it’s easier than ever to stay up-to-date with the district, schools, AND with your student’s teachers and classes. Parents and guardians will soon receive instructions via email to create their login to access Rooms within the district app.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3rmwSUP
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3tmlyd2
Hello and welcome back!
We hope you had a wonderful break and are excited for all of the exciting events taking place this month. Kennedy was fortunate to have been selected to take part in a pre school art program at the Detroit institute of Arts.
Children and their parents will enjoy making an art project together. We also have Paper People, being presented by CARE, kicking off their 8 part series this month.
To wrap up the month, The Creature Man will be visiting the students, along with his many friends!
Please remember to dress your child for the weather-warm coats, mittens, boots. We go outside everyday when it is 20 degrees and above,
December 16, 2023-January 3, 2023 Holiday Break
Seasons greetings to all of our Kennedy Families! We wish you a happy and healthy new year. We will see you on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 when school reopens.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Parent/teacher conferences-8:00am-3:30pm
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Early Release Day-Classroom hours will be 8:00am-12:30pm
Registration for Kennedy Early Childhood Center is now open! Please click on the link to sign up for an interview! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949AAA92FA6FC1-kennedy
Check out this great summer opportunity for families!
Registration is now open for summer school. Please follow the link to register. If you have questions, please call the office! Your child must be registered for Van Dyke Public Schools to attend summer school!
There was a mistake in the calendar for June. We will have school May 31st. June 1st will be the last day of school. June 2nd will be the Celebration Day. Conferences will be June 3rd. The calendar shows the wrong days of the week! Should you have questions, please contact the office - 586-759-9406
Kennedy Early Childhood Center participated in the Great Crayon Project! We sent in 13 pounds of crayons and we received a newly shaped crayon for each child! Many different shapes and fun! Way to go team!
Tomorrow is our first enrollment day for the 2022-2023 school year! Do you have your appointment yet? Call Nikki in the main office to schedule! 586-759-9406 Hope to see you there!
Care of Southeastern Michigan is hosting a Road Rally for families! This looks to be a great event! Enjoy!
Our school is participating in the Great Crayon Exchange! Do you have any broken crayons or old crayons to donate? Please send them to Kennedy ECC! These crayons will be sent to become new crayon shapes!
Welcome back! the state is conducting a statewide survey regarding the GSRP program. We would love your help! Please fill out this survey to help! You will be entered to win a $25 WalMart gift certificate. We thank you in advance! https://msu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bBm5O7oYlUIlTEO?=VnDkPSKnndECC8
Happy Monday!! We will see you all on Wednesday, March 30th for our Virtual Kindergarten Round-Up. Please join us via Zoom! The meeting will begin at 5:30. Meeting ID 789 390 3992 Password is Kennedy. We can't wait to share about our wonderful TK and K programs in Van Dyke!
Tomorrow is Super Hero Day! Wear your favorite super hero shirt, pants, socks!
Yesterday was crazy sick day at Kennedy ECC! The staff and the students had some great socks to share! Wear your green tomorrow!!
Come to Kennedy Early Childhood Center to receive your items for the STAR event tomorrow. We will see you from 3:00 - 5:00 at 11333 Kaltz Ave, Warren, 48089. Enter through the main doors on Hesse.
We will see you in a few short hours for our next Parent Advisory Meeting.
Melissa Pluszczynski is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Parent Advisory Time: Feb 16, 2022 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7893903992?pwd=bzhrU09DUmtoYzEwME1uc3B5UTBSQT09
Meeting ID: 789 390 3992
Passcode: Kennedy