Counseling and Mental Health Resources
ACCESS Line (855) 99-MCCMH / (855) 996-2264
24 hr. Crisis Line (586) 307-9100
Warren 12200 E. 13 Mile Rd. Suite 200 Warren, MI 48093
(586) 573-1810
Ascension Eastwood Clinics
Personalized care for your behavioral health
Find a Location (Multiple Locations)
Warren 11270 East 13 Mile Rd. #2 Warren, MI 48093
(586) 738-9320
St. Clair Shores 22708 Harper Ave. St. Clair Shores 48080
(586) 445-2210
Clinton Twp. 37500 Garfield Rd. #175 Clinton Twp., MI 48036
(586) 792-5335
Detroit 22151 Moross Rd. PB1 # 334 Detroit, MI 48236
(313) 343-7230
Northeast Integrated Health (Formerly Northeast Guidance Center)
Child Youth & Family Services | NIH
Detroit 20303 Kelly Rd. Detroit, MI 48225
Warren 8150 Old 13 Mile Rd. Warren, MI 48093
(586) 825-9700
Center Line 26522 Van Dyke Ave Center Line, MI 48015
(586) 759-4400
Crisis Help
24-Hour Help
Lifeline- free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources. Chat online through the website or text or call: 1 (800) 273-8255
Common Ground- free and confidential counseling and resources. Chat online through the website or text or call: 1 (800) 231-1147
Macomb County Children’s Mobile Crisis Unit
(586) 307-9100
Instead of calling police or going to the local E.R., the Macomb County Children’s Mobile Crisis Unit will come directly to your home or community setting, wherever the crisis is occurring. Within 1 hour of your initial phone call, a master’s level therapist and parent support partner will arrive to assist in resolving the situation and create a crisis plan. There is no cost for this service.
Eligibility: Must live in Macomb County, child must have active Medicaid, child’s age can range from birth to 21-years-old.