School Safety Emergency Procedures
Dear Parents and Families:
Should an emergency or crisis situation ever arise in our area while school is in session, we want you to be aware that our district has made preparations to respond effectively to such situations. In fact, public schools in Michigan are built to meet stringent construction standards and they may be safer than your own home in the event of a disaster.
Should we have an emergency or crisis during school hours, your student(s) will be cared for at this school. Van Dyke Public Schools has a detailed disaster plan, co-created by Macomb County, which has been formulated to respond to major catastrophes.
Your cooperation and trust is necessary in any emergency. Please be aware of the following procedures:
1. Refrain from calling the school. Telephone lines will be needed for emergency communication. Important information will be pushed out to you via multiple forms of communication.
2. During any lockdown, students WILL NOT BE RELEASED from school and no one will be let in the building. This is for the safety of the students and staff. Information on release and located and/or evacuation will be communicated out.
3. Student cellular phone use will be restricted in accordance with best practices implemented by Macomb County Emergency Management. This is for student safety and to prevent miscommunication.
4. In the event of an evacuation, students will be kept at the reunification site until they are picked up by an identified, responsible adult. This person must be identified on School’s contact list which are required to be filled out by parents at the beginning of every school year and updated during the year. The reunification process is detailed on the back. Please read and know the process. Please be sure you consider the following criteria when you authorize another person to pick up your child:
They are on the contact list
They are 18 years of age or older.
They are usually home during the day.
They could walk to school, if necessary.
They are well-known to your child.
5. If students are to be released from school or an reunification site, communication will be sent out by all means. In addition, information may be broadcast on local television and radio news.
6. In the event of severe weather or natural disaster during times of transport to or from school, the district and the transportation department will be in communication with parents. Every effort will be made to continue delivering students to their homes or to school, or to a designated spot of which parents will be notified immediately.
Please discuss these matters with your immediate family. Planning ahead will help alleviate concern during actual emergencies. Impress upon your children the need for them to follow the directions of all school personnel in times of an emergency. Understand and be patient with the reunification process. Trust that the district will be doing whatever it takes to keep your child safe. We appreciate your partnership in providing a safe school experience.

The links below clarify the procedures if we have to evacuate the building.
Reunification Card (please print)
If you have questions or concerns please contact:
Victor Breithaupt
Director of Crisis Response and Safety
23500 MacArthur Blvd
Warren, MI 48089