Harry the Snow Day Dog has been driving around checking out weather conditions. He is happy to report that tomorrow, Thursday, February 13, is a snuggle day with NO SCHOOL for Van Dyke Public Schools. Stay warm and be sure to check on your neighbors who may need assistance with shoveling or getting necessities.

Good morning, Van Dyke Community. Due to dangerous driving and walking conditions, Van Dyke Public Schools will be CLOSED today, February 6, 2025. Be safe and we'll see you tomorrow.

Good morning, Van Dyke Community. On this first Monday of February, let's remember to celebrate the myriad contributions of Black Americans this month and every month. Black and African American History is American History!

Good afternoon. Harry the Snow Day Dog is happy to let you know that the district will be closed Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22 due to extremely low temperatures. Please stay warm and safe. We’ll see you on Thursday.

Happy Friday, VDPS Community! We hope you are staying warm. Don't forget that Monday, January 20, 2025 is a day of reflection and civic action. The district will be closed to celebrate the life and legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We'll see you on Tuesday.

Sign up for the Kindergarten Bus Tour on February 6th! Visits will be made to Carlson, Lincoln and McKinley Elementary schools.

Kindergarten Round Up is here!

Good evening, VDPS Community. Please see the attached letter regarding Van Dyke in the news.
Happy New Year, stay safe, and we'll see you all on Monday the 6th.

Harry the Snow Day Dog wishes each of you a peaceful holiday season. He also says that he hopes we have some snow days in 2025 so that someone can stay home and snuggle with him! Enjoy your break and be safe.

Special Services Department students, staff & parents enjoying some holiday cookies and pictures today at Carlson Elementary School!

Thank you to the Warren Firefighters Union and Warren Meijer Store for their generous holiday food basket donations to our families today! So grateful for our community partners!

Hello, Van Dyke Community. We're doing our best to spread holiday cheer to our students and families. In that spirit, our Superintendent's Leadership Council from LHS was at the Kennedy Early Childhood Center this morning along with SANTA himself and Buddy the Elf to bring some extra excitement to our littlest learners. What a great group of mentors and caring celebrities they all are!

Happy Veterans Day from Van Dyke Schools to all the brave men and women who served our country and fought for our freedom! You are appreciated beyond words today and every day.

Please check out Mrs. Bognar's November Newsletter!

Don't forget to exercise your right to vote today! We can all fulfill our civic duty and make our voices heard. If you know of one person who has made a significant difference in your life, think of the difference you can make in our world. Polls will be open until 8 pm locally.

It's not quite time for our State Champs to show their stuff, however they have been sharing their talent with our elementary students. This past Saturday, Biddy Basketball concluded for our 2nd-5th graders with some fun and fundamentals at Lincoln High School. Everyone had a great time and worked together to improve their skills. Thank you to Coach Wy and our Lincoln Abes!

Lincoln High School students who are of voting age and Warren residents: Do you still need to register to vote before Tuesday's election? Ms. Jocelyn Howard has set up a way to make it happen this Friday during the day. Please see the flyer and let Mrs. Harris or Coach A know if you have questions. Remember that voting is a right in our country and we fought for a long time to ensure we all have and keep it!

Van Dyke Families, are you looking for something fun and educational to do this Saturday? Look no further! The Macomb ISD is hosting a Reading Carnival, featuring authors, illustrators, and some local supporters of literacy along with cider, donuts, and fun activities. See the flyer for more details.

Congratulations to Mrs. M. Davies of Carlson! She received a back-to-school grant from GLP, and will put it to great use in her Kindergarten Classroom with her lucky little ones. Thank you to GLP for making many days brighter!

🎥 Have you watched our short yet informational Bond 2024 #videos yet? 👀 Take a look > https://bit.ly/vdps-ref24-videos